9th Annual BCF
Nov 17-18, 2022
Sugar Valley First Baptist Church
3742 Sugar Valley Rd NW, Sugar Valley, GA 30746
Preparations are underway for BCF 2022, and we hope those plans include you! A special thanks to the Meadow View Mennonite Church for inviting us to Georgia this year. The venue is conveniently located between the nearby Atlanta and Chattanooga airports. Make your travel plans now!
The program begins at 12:15 on Thursday and continues through Friday evening. Friday is a full day of interactive training for network administrators, software enthusiasts, and tech committee members.
Seminars on Communications Technology
Full Day of Hands-on Training!
Thursday All Sessions: $50
Evening General Session Only: $20
Friday All Day Training: $95
Register by November 1: Save $10
Register for Both Days: Save $25
All of the Above: Save $35
Thursday, Nov 17
12:15 Registration and Seating
1:00 Welcome and Introductions
1:30 Devotional Inspiration - Norman Shrock, Resaca, GA
Divine Pairs: Accountability and Liberty
- Dave Burkholder,
Vineland, NJ
Pairs appear all throughout Creation. Through pairs, God lavishly endows the Universe with beauty, poise and perfection. The spiritual realm has pairs too. What does this have to do with technology or human relations? We’ll look at some examples from both natural and spiritual realms and try to draw some lessons.
2:15 The Habits of Security - Myron Eby, Athens, TN
When phishing and hacking headlines are so much a part of the tech news of the day, it pays to develop good habits of security. The more habitually secure and hygienic your workflow becomes, the less likely that you’ll be the next victim. We’ll discuss aspects of Clavis Single Sign On, password manager organization and Two Factor Authentication.
2:45 Break
3:00 A Peek into the Incubator - Dave Burkholder, Vineland, NJ
We’ll do a quick review of projects that are in various stages of development, to briefly introduce the topics that will be discussed in much more detail on Thursday.
3:30 Internet Committee Panel Discussion
* James S Martin, Versailles, MO
* Evan Beidler, Mt. Pleasant Mills, PA
* Joel Fox, Landisburg, PA
* David Suarez, Kenton, TN
* Brian Kropf, Marshall, MO
* Carlin Shrock, Commerce, TX
Our communities and brotherhoods have approached the tech revolution with similar concerns but have implemented different solutions for safeguards. Each panelist will have an opportunity to briefly describe his involvement in tech committee work, followed by a time of discussion between the panelists.
4:30 General Discussion
Now it’s your turn! What do you think about the panelist discussion? Bring your comments and questions for the input of the entire group, or for the panelists specifically.
5:00 Supper
Evening General Session
6:00 Registration and Seating
6:30 Infinite Buffet, Digital Temperance
James S Martin, Versailles, MO
For the first time in history, the barriers to knowledge have all but disappeared. Ordinary people today have access to vastly more information than they could sample in 50 lifetimes! With a dizzying array of online tools, options, gadgets, and things to read, how can we exercise prudence to avoid “digital gluttony”?
7:00 The Succession Genealogy Project - Kent Martin, Waynesboro, PA
Have you been wishing for a place to keep church and school records and be able to print reports? Do you enjoy researching your ancestry or learning who your cousins are? Do you wonder how many people have used the name you are considering or how many people are at a certain age? This project is intended to help you with this. Information can be entered once and be available for different reports, whether it be church/school directories or ancestry research.
7:30 Online Information, Offline Access
- Samuel
Hoover, Metter, GA
How can offline homes, farmers, and home businesses function in a world that assumes everyone self-serves information? Learn about our business software library, wiki encyclopedias, and medical data–filtered for the Plain Community. Hear about Home Office Resource and its informational support for homes and businesses.
8:00 Esse Quam Videri
- Phill Graybill
, Pantego, NC
“To be, rather than to seem” - it’s more than a state motto, it’s a Biblical call to be both genuine and purposeful. Communication technology makes pretense easy. But spiritual blessings are only realized by those who are authentic and truthful. How can we maintain a culture of honesty & transparency in our homes and communities? Technology used purposefully can be a powerful force for the good. How can we use it intentionally rather than aimlessly?
8:30 Dismissal
Friday, Nov 18
8:00 Welcome and Orientation
- James Martin, Versailles, MO
The subjects below will be covered throughout the day, and presented by various Compass staff members. Most of the sessions will be 30 minutes. As we get closer to the date, it will become clearer whether the attendees will be divided into two groups. If dividing, schedules will be made for each group.
PassageWay is the password manager available to everyone with a DrawBridge system on their local network. Contact us ahead of time for assistance in setup to get the most out of this talk. We’ll do a deep dive into ways to organize PassageWay records, and keep them secure.
Re-engineering the DrawBridge
- Marvin Martin, Hagerstown, MD
A newly-designed DrawBridge is under construction, bringing a new base operating system, paired with a new hardware platform. This re-designed system will be equipped with much more advanced networking capabilities, in addition to a number of other improvements.
Always Carry Your (2FA) Keys
- Joel Steiner, Bayfield, ON
Hardware-based security is a dramatic improvement in safety against phishing and password cracking attacks. This talk will apply to anyone who goes online. But setup techs should especially follow along, since, in the near future, Compass will be requiring 2FA to login with Clavis SSO and the Compass Portal for enrolling devices. We’ll help you get set up with these keys if you don’t already have them.
By Whom, To Where, When, With What?
- Dennis Petre, Moulton, AL
Access Policies enable a network administrator to configure network access by answering all the questions above. How do I design Access Policies to Allow, Block or BlanketBlock network access for an Accountability Policy, a whole company, or a single device? What are some time-saving shortcuts for duplicating records, setting timers and swapping Access Policies?
Before You Call Support
- Aaron Zeiset, Mercersburg, PA
Calling technical support - isn’t that the favorite part of your day? Sometimes you may not need to call. Other times your problem will be resolved much more smoothly if you collect some details beforehand. What will the tech need to know to be able to help you quickly? We’ll discuss what information to collect before you pick up the phone to call technical support.
Introducing Clarion Messaging
- Dave Burkholder
, Vineland, NJ
Who controls your free speech? How reliable, private and secure are the services you use to communicate? We’ll take a tour of the messaging service we’ve been using internally. We hope you’ll consider Clarion as your messaging platform.
Understanding the Page Classifier
- Alvin Yoder, Vest, KY
How can DrawBridge filtering identify the content of a webpage in one second? What is classification? Isn’t the filter just blocking bad content? We’ll give a basic overview of how DrawBridge classifies information to provide dynamic content filtering.
iOS Enrollments: Updates & Refresher - Tim Byler, Oroville, CA
With the changes in iOS 15 & 16, the workflow for setup techs has become more streamlined to make enrollments easier. We will review our standard procedures for managing iOS devices.
Active Directory & DrawBridge Agent
- Marvin Martin, Hagerstown, MD
New Feature! Assign DrawBridge filter policies to your existing Active Directory/LDAP users (rather than network devices) to enable filter policies to “follow” a user on your network, no matter which terminal they sign in on.
The Next Round of Vision Phones
- James Miller, Modesto, CA
Have you heard of the Android Open Source Project (AOSP)? At its core, Android is open source and anyone can modify the code to create their own version of Android. Compass is leveraging this and several other projects to create a privacy-respecting software ecosystem that runs on Android devices. Come for demos of the project.
When Will We Talk About This?
- Dave Burkholder
, Vineland, NJ
Compile your questions throughout the day. Save the curve balls for last! A period of open discussion on any topic you want to bring to the floor.